Sustainable and
Green Finance
Sustainable and Green Finance
By incorporating Supply Chain Finance with sustainability assessment allows financial institutions to easily categorise companies based on their sustainability index and extend more favourable green financing rate to them. In turn, incentivising more companies to go green.
Monitor your Green Performance
Real time supply chain insights on sustainability based on GRI Reporting Standards. Increasing regulatory requirements and stakeholders demand are forcing companies to be conscious of sustainability reporting.
Monitor your Green
Go Green
with your Suppliers
Go Green with your Suppliers
Incorporating sustainability elements into the deep-tier supply chain would provide visibility and transparency to the compliance on sustainability for suppliers down the chain. Through supply chain finance, it incentivises and rewards suppliers to adopt more sustainable activities or source for alternative materials, and for them to be more careful in the evaluation of their suppliers.
Scoring across four Dimensions
Respondents by sector
Implementation of sustainability practices to the business strategy
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Indonasia
- Thailand
- Europe
- China
- Africa
Established in Singapore in 2006, Global Initiatives (GI) offers corporates and institutions a range of services to achieve their sustainability goals. With businesses seeking better interventions to reach their sustainability goal, GI* will be introducing new data-driven solutions while continuing to focus on our existing initiatives.
* GI is the organiser of Sustainable Business Awards
The Sustainable Business Awards (SBA) is arguably Asia’s only award series run by a firm wholly committed to sustainability and which comprehensively assess corporate sustainability programs. Since 2012, the Awards has been held in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), industry associations and government agencies recognising corporate leadership in 12 categories, including sustainability strategy, community, energy and water management, supply chain, and ethics among others. Past winners include UOB, DBS, OLAM, Ericsson, Singtel, Cargill, Modelez, Nestle, Maybank, Standard Chartered, Banyan Tree Hotel & Resorts, City Development Limited, Keppel Corporate, Unilever, Bayer and more.